NY Times: I'm sure everyone is familiar with the story of one mans campaign to get back the lost/stolen Sidekick of his friend by posting the name and images of the girl using it on the web as part of a "name and shame" campaign.
The page is here.
The part to do with copyright is that the girl who had the Sidekick, Sasha Gomez, took pictures of herself and other things and sent them to people, apparently unaware that the original owner had set the account to back up everything on the web server -- so when the original owner bought a new device and logged in there were the photos and e-mail address and so on of the new "owner". After Sasha refused to give it back the images were posted on the web...I'm dead-set certain her permission as copyright owner wasn't obtained to do this, so it's technically a case of copyright infringement. It's possible it comes under the protection of "fair comment" or something, I'm not that up to speed with copyright law in the US. So I guess the two questions are: "Is it copyright infringement?" and "Who cares?"