The Peer To Patent Project: "The USPTO has created a partnership with academia and the private sector to launch an online, peer review pilot project that seeks to ensure that patent examiners will have improved access to all available prior art during the patent examination process."
As for me, I think the peer-review thing is a good idea, as long as it's intended to bring issues to the attention of the examiner. The prior art issue is easy.
As for "obviousness", that can be pretty easy too. Using a hypothetical example, if someone tried to patent the idea of ordering music from a mobile phone and paying for it by credit card it should fail under the "obviousness" clause because its just transfering a common online PC practice to mobile phones. It's an obvious thing to do.
I think the same thing applies to Apple's recent patent, which involves people bookmarking a song on a website from their mobile for later downloading. If that's all there is to the patent it should be rejected (bearing in mind I haven't read the patent so it may have an innovation I'm unaware of).
This is via TechDirt, which has some fairly vitriolic comments from someone who clearly doesn't want the patent problem to improve.
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